This is a SPECIAL THANK YOU to all of my RB beauties who have completed the customer service survey. I am so grateful to have so many wonderful clients! You ladies are truly amazing; you're the reason why I love what I do! The responses of the survey were anonymous, but getting the results was exciting! I really loved the part where you described Studio Lux using a celebrity as an example!!!
The purpose of the survey was to 1. make sure all my RB beauties are satisfied with every aspect of Studio Lux and your individual RBexperiences, 2. to find out if there was anything that we could do better, 3. make Studio Lux and your RBexperience even more amazing!

We listened and we've learned a lot! We appreciated every compliment and took note of every suggestion. Because of your input we are confident that we can continue to provide you with excellent service and we've learned a few ways to make it even better.
Here are a few things we've added to make Studio Lux and your RBexperience better:
1. The RB Virtual Consultation: This is a special addition offered for free to my RB beauties that need more privacy, are too busy, or are too far away.
But, there's so many more reasons to use The RB Virtual Consultation:
~ If you have a hair issue you need to talk about you can do it from home.
~ If you want expert advice on your next hair transformation. I got you!
~ Just spotted your next new look? Take a pic and show me!
~ Forgot to show me something during your appointment?... Now you can show me anytime!
~ Or for any other reason you come up with. I'm here!
2.The SpecaiLux tab: You asked for more specials and we're giving them to you! Go to the SpeciaLux tab now and check back often for the most current information on ALL sales, promotions, contests, and other great Lux specials....I'll give you a hint, I got that hot sauce in my bag waiting for you ;).
3.The RB Blog: You've made it known that one of the things you love most about your RBexperience is the quality of service. The RB Blog is another way for me to continue to serve you that quality service. The topics of the RB blogs will come from your issues, concerns, problems, and interests. The RB blog is a way for to have that Studio Lux feel anywhere you are; now you can access your RBexpereince any time you need it. Feel free to ask a question, leave a comment, or share the post to your social media to keep the conversation going.
4. The Suggest Something tab: To be sure we really make your RBexperience better, we do it your way! So, leave a suggestion and we will do our best to add it to your experience. It's quick, it's easy, and you can leave a suggestion anytime one comes to mind!
5. The Satisfaction Survey: We have reopened the survey for you to take at anytime! The survey is still completely anonymous and available 24 hours a day. This helps us to keep track of how well we serve you and how satisfied you are with Studio Lux and your RBexperience.
These additions are just the beginning! Be sure to check the app often and follow our Facebook (Studio Lux Cleveland) and Instagram (@theRBexperience @Studio_lux1) pages to stay up to date on all your future RBexperience upgrades.
Once again, thank you so much for your love, support, and participation, and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!