March is Women's History Month and our team is excited to celebrate women all month long! The RBexperience is all about motivating, empowering, and uplifting women while making them look as good as they feel! All month long we will be celebrating women on the RBexpereience Instagram page with inspirational quotes and "girl power" posts. Let's all get into formation and empower each other! You never know how much of an impact you can have on another woman's life so the best thing you can do is stay positive and encourage other women every chance you get. That's why we have developed special posts that will hopefully motivate and encourage you to motivate and encourage another woman.
So, go ahead tag someone who needs the message or share the post to your social media pages and encourage every woman who sees it!

As you all know Beyoncè is my favorite virgo and now that I've relocated to her city I love her even more! Her drive, passion, power, and success motivates me to be my best everyday. She also motivates me to support and celebrate other women. This month we will also be honoring our phenomenal followers by featuring different women each week as RBWCW's! We kicked off our RBWCW with the fabulous Beyoncè being featured as our first ever WCW! Stay tuned to see who will be our other WCW's this month.
Becoming a RBWCW is easy! All you have to do is follow @TheRBexperience on Instagram and submit a selfie and brief bio that explains what makes you a phenomenal woman! We'll choose the most inspiring bio's and feature them each Wednesday in March!
As an added phenomenal bonus all of our RBWCW's have a chance to win a $50 Victoria's Secret gift card! Just repost your RBWCW feature from our Instagram page, use the hashtags #RBexperience, #RBWCW, #PhenomenalWoman, #GirlPower and you'll automatically be entered into the drawing! Yup, it's that easy! One luck phenomenal woman will be chosen to receive the VS gift card and the winner will be announced April 1, 2016.
For more details on how to enter and win the RBWCW Phenomenal Women contest go to the RBexperience app and click on the SpeciaLux tab.
**Be sure to follow our social media pages for more great contests! Download the RBexperience app and never miss a thing! All contests, specials, sales, and more will always be posted in the app before they are released to the public.**