In honor of Women's History Month we ran our RBWCW/Phenomenal Woman contest where we chose one RBWCW to feature on the @TheRbexperience Instagram page each week. Each RBWCW that reposted their feature was then entered into a drawing to win the grand prize of a $50 Victoria's Secret gift card!
Well, it's April 1st. Time to announce the GRAND PRIZE WINNER!!! We are pleased to announce that our grand prize winner for the Phenomenal Woman Contest is @ms_scho (Sarah Scho)!!!! Congratulations from the RBexperience team! Your $50 Victoria's Secret gift card will be arriving soon (check the StudioLux tab in the RBexperience app for details). Thank you for participating and enjoy your prize!!! Be sure to share the good news with your friends and family, and remember to invite them to connect with us so they can experience the joy too!

We would also like to take the time to thank everyone who participated in the contest we truly appreciate your continued support! Wether you won the grand prize or not you're still a phenomenal woman in our book! Remember to stay connected with us for more chances to win great prizes in the future!
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